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Grupul de Cercetare pentru Micropropagarea si Prezervarea Germoplasmei – GERMOBIOTECH

Grupul de Cercetare pentru Micropropagarea si Prezervarea Germoplasmei este format din specialisti din cadrul institutiei, dar si colaboratori de la Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi, avand ca principal scop micropropagarea si prezervarea unor specii rare sau amenintate.

Colectiile de germoplasma reprezinta o resursa genetica deosebit de valoroasa pentru conservarea biodiversitatii, asigurand existenta in viitor a speciilor rare / endemice sau a unor specii cu valoare economica deosebita. Implicatiile practice se extind dincolo de strategiile de protectie a mediului, in banca de germoplasma putand fi stocate linii celulare / soiuri / specii cu importanta agricola sau biotehnologica – biocontrolul agentilor fitopatogeni, biodecontaminare, pentru producerea de compusi biologic activi cu aplicatii in industria farmaceutica, alimentara etc.

Coordonator: Prof. univ. dr. Catalin TANASE (CV)

Membri echipa: Conf. dr. Lacramioara Carmen IVANESCU (CV)
Prof. dr. Simona Isabela DUNCA (CV)
Conf. dr. Irina Neta GOSTIN (CV)
Sef. lucrari dr. Tiberius BALAES (CV)
Sef. lucrari dr. Lacramioara Anca OPRICA (CV)
Biolog principal dr. Camelia Mariana IFRIM (CV)
Biolog principal dr. Adrian OPREA (CV)
Biolog principal dr. Lidia ADUMITRESEI (CV)
Biolog principal dr. Ana COJOCARIU (CV)
Biolog principal dr. Constantin MARDARI (CV)
Biolog principal dr. Ciprian BIRSAN (CV)
C.S. dr. Camelia Paula STEFANACHE (CV)
Biolog dr. Cristiana Virginia PETRE (CV)

Directii de cercetare:
  • Selectia si izolarea in cultura pura a unor organisme / linii celulare / suse;
  • Cultivarea in vitro de tesuturi, organe si miceliu;
  • Selectia unor linii celulare cu valoare biotehnologica;
  • Micropropagarea in vitro a unor specii rare sau amenintate;
  • Crioprezervarea germoplasmei.

Rezultate stiintifice:

ANDRONACHE A., TOMA (GOSTIN) Irina, TOMA, C., 2006. Histological diversity of haustoria in some hemiparasitic and holoparasitic plant species from the Romanian Flora. Contributii botanice, 41(2), 115-121.

BALAES T., MANGALAGIU I.I., TANASE C., 2013. Lignicolous macromycetes: potential candidates for bioremediation of synthetic dyes. Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti), 64 (9): 790-795.

BALAES T., TANASE C., 2011. Interrelations between the mycorrhizal systems and soil organisms. Journal of Plant Development, 18: 55-69.

BALAES T., TANASE C., 2012. Culture description of some spontaneous lignicolous macromycetes species. Journal of Plant Development, 19: 83-98.

BALAES T., TANASE C., 2012. Description of in vitro cultures for some spontaneous lignicolous basidiomycetes species. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Biol. Veg ., 58(2): 19-29.

BALAES T., TANASE C., 2013. Optimization of nutritional conditions for the mycoremediation of the synthetic dyes. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 18(6): 7204-7211.

CAZACU Georgeta, CIOLACU D., IOANID Aurelia, DOROFTEI A., COJOCARIU Ana , TANASE C., OPREA Ad., 2009 . Behaviour of the polymeric systems containing lignin in the various culture media. Journal of Optoelectonics and Advanced Materials : 1(6): 1110-1113.

COJOCARIU Ana, TANASE C., 2010. Macromycetes identified on the construction wood of historical monuments from Moldavia and causes of their development. J. Plant Develop., 17: 63-68.

COJOCARIU Ana, TANASE C., MITITIUC M., 2007. Preservation state of the constructions wood at churches from Vrancea County. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Biol. Veg. , 53: 124-129.

COLDEA Gh., SÂRBU I., CRISTEA V., SÂRBU Anca, NEGREAN G., OPREA Ad., CRISTUREAN I., POPESCU Gh., 2003. Ghid pentru identificarea importantelor arii de protectie si conservare a plantelor din România. Edit. Alo, Bucuresti, 113 pp.

COLDEA Gh., STOICA I.-Ad., PUSCAS M.¸ URSU T., OPREA Ad. & The IntraBioDiv Consortium, 2009. Alpine-subalpine species richness of the Romanian Carpathians and the current conservation status of rare species. Biodivers Conserv., 18: 1441–1458.

DANILA Doina, STEFANACHE Camelia, GILLE Elvira, MARDARI C. , 2011. Estimative studies regarding the bioproductivity of natural populations of Arnica montana L. from the Bistritei Mountains. Romanian Biological Sciences, 9(1-4): 85-86.

DRAGHIA Lucia, IVANESCU Lacramioara, CHELARIU Elena Liliana, BOSCAIU Monica, PARASCHIV Nicoleta Luminita, 2013. Histo-anatomical studies in Allium saxatile, a specie with ornamental potential. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobo., 41(2): 348 – 354.

DUNCA Simona, AILIESEI Octavita, NIMITAN Erica, STEFAN M., 2007. Microbiologie aplicata. Casa editoriala Demiurg, Iasi.

DUNCA Simona, STEFAN M., MURGOCI Mariana, 2010. The influence of fertilization on the quantitative distribution of denitrifying bacteria in the soil. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 11(4): 75-80.

DUNCA Simona, STEFAN M., TANASE C., COJOCARIU Ana, IOANID G., RUSU Dorina, 2008. The identification of microbiota with deteriorative action on some historical silk materials. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 9: 91-98.

DUNCA Simona, STEFAN M., TANASE C., COJOCARIU Ana, 2008. Evaluation of the rhizospheric microbiota from soils degraded by mining activities. Natura Montenegrina, Podgrica, 7(3): 17-26.

DUNCA Simona, STEFAN M., TANASE C., COJOCARIU Ana, 2008. The dynamics of microbiota on soils degraded by mining activities, 8th International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection - SGEM 2008 , Albena - Bulgaria, 16-20 iunie 2008, 2: 365-372.

DUNCA Simona, TANASE C., STEFAN M., COJOCARIU Ana, 2006. Characterisation of the microbiota from different types of anthropogenic soils. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Biol. Veg. , 52: 53-70.

GHIORGHITA G., IONICA D.E., TOMA (GOSTIN) Irina, NICUTA D., 2004. Observations on the in vitro and ex vitro behaviour of Chrysanthemum balsamita L. species. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 5: 232 – 237.

GOSTIN Irina, 2009. Air Pollution Effects on the Leaf Structure of some Fabaceae Species., Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca , 37(2), 49-56.

GOSTIN Irina, 2011. Anatomical and micromorphological peculiarities of Adonis vernalis L. (Ranunculaceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 43(2), pp. 811-820.

GOSTIN Irina, IVANESCU Lacramioara, 2007. Structural and micromorphological changes in leaves of Salix alba under air pollution effect. International Journal of Energy and Environment , 1(4): 219- 226.

GOSTIN Irina, IVANESCU Lacramioara, 2008. Leaf structure and development in Buxus sempervirens. Natura Montenegrina Journal , 7(3): 27-32.

GOSTIN Irina, Oprea Ad., 2013. Anatomical investigations on endemic Campanula romanica Savul. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 42(1): 139-144.

GRIGORE M.-N., TOMA C., ZAMFIRACHE Maria-MAgdalena, IVANESCU Lacramioara , 2012. A survey of anatomical adaptations in Romanian halophytes. Towards an ecological interpretation. FEB, 21(11b): 3370-2275.

GRIGORE M. N., IVANESCU Lacramioara, TOMA C. 2014. Halophytes: An Integrative anatomical Study. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-05728-6, 490 p.

HUTANU-BASHTAWI Luminita, STANESCU Ursula, TOMA C., MIRON Anca, IVANESCU Lacramioara , 2009. Study of side effect of benzimidazole systemic fungicide – Thiophanate methyl in Cynara scolymus L. samples. Note I, in Adverse effects of pharmacologic active substances: from bench to beside , 647-675, LUPUSORU Catalina Elena, TARTAU Liliana (ed.), Ed. Junimea, Iasi.

IVANESCU Lacramioara, GOSTIN Irina, 2007. Cito-histological changes due to the action of atmosphere pollutants on three species of gymnosperms. International Journal of Energy and Environment , 1(2): 1109-9577: 95-100.

IVANESCU Lacramioara, GOSTIN Irina, 2008. Accumulation of phenolic compounds in the needles of Picea abies Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L.: biological markers of air pollution damage. Natura Montenegrina Journal, 7(2): 583-591.

IVANESCU Lacramioara, TOMA C, 2003. Influenta poluarii atmosferice asupra structuriii plantelor. Editura Fundatiei "Andrei Saguna", Constanta, 394 p., ISBN 973-8146-67-4

IVANESCU Lacramioara, TOMA (GOSTIN) Irina, 2003. Embriologie vegetala. Ed. Junimea, Iasi, 218 pag.

MANOLIU AL., OLTEANU Zenovia, OPRICA Lacramioara, ZAMFIRACHE Maria Magdalena, CREANGA Dorina, 2002. Petroleum ferrofluid influence on cellulase specific activity in Chaetomium globosum. Romanian Biotechnological Letters , 7(3): 737-745.

MARDARI C., TANASE C., DRAGHIA Lucia, 2011. Ex situ conservation of some cormophytes species with decorative value and important by pharmaceutical perspective. Romanian Biological Sciences, 9(1-4): 65-66.

MARDARI C., TANASE C., OPREA Ad. , STANESCU Irina, 2009. Specii de plante cu valoare decorativa cuprinse în Listele Rosii din România cultivate în Gradina Botanica "Anastasie Fatu" din Iasi. J. Plant Develop., 16: 47-52.

OLTEANU Zenovia, OPRICA Lacramioara, TANASE C. , ZAMFIRACHE Maria-Magdalena, CHINAN V., BÎRSAN C. , 2009. The activity of some oxidoreductases in the lignicolous species Gloeophyllum odoratum (Wulfen) Imazeki collected from the Cãlimani National Park (Eastern Carpathians). Sanatatea plantelor, Special edition: 51–68.

OLTEANU Zenovia, TRUTA Elena, OPRICA Lacramioara, ZAMFIRACHE Maria-Magdalena, ROSU C.M., VOCHITA Gabriela, 2013. Copper-induced changes in antioxidative response and soluble protein level in Triticum aestivum cv. Beti seedlings. Romanian Agricultural Research , 30: 163-170.

OPREA Ad., 2005. Lista critica a plantelor vasculare din România (Checklist of vascular plants of Romania). Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, Iasi, 668 pp.

OPREA Ad., GOIA Irina, TANASE C., SÎRBU C., 2010. Assessment of species composition: endemics, relicts and red-listed plants (Tracheophytae, Bryophytae, and Fungi) in forest natural habitats of Romania. Cluj-Napoca: Contrib. Bot., 45: 13-24.

OPREA Ad., RUGINA Rodica, SÂRBU I., MITITIUC M., 1999. The corology of some protected species in the flora of Romania. An. Sti. Univ. “A. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II, a. Biol. Veg. , 45: 153-159.

OPREA Ad., SÎRBU C., 2009. Diversitatea floristica a Muntilor Stânisoarei (Carpatii Orientali) . Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, Iasi, 422 pp.

OPRICA Lacramioara, 2008. Effect of microwave on the dynamics of some oxidoreductase enzymes in Brassica napus germination seeds. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 9(3): 99-104.

OPRICA Lacramioara, 2011. Early effect of NaCl treatment on the protein content in seedling of three wheat cultivar. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 12(4): 87-95.

OPRICA Lacramioara, 2013. Influence of salinity stress on several biochemicals attributes of Brassica napus cv. Exgold seedling. Lucrari Stiintifice, Seria Horticultura, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iasi , 56(2), 53-59.

OPRICA Lacramioara, OLTEANU Zenovia, TRUTA Elena, VOCHITA Gabriela, 2011. Early biochemical responses of Brasica napus var Exagone seed germination at salt treatment. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 12(4): 95-103.

PADURARIU Claudia, BURDUCEA M., ZAMFIRACHE Maria-Magdalena, GALES Ramona, IVANESCU Lacramioara, TOMA C., 2010. Research regarding the germination process in Ocimum basilicum L. in an experimental environment, Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldis" Arad, Life Sciences Series 20(3): 1842-7863.

PETRE Cristiana Virginia, TANASE C., 2013. Culture characteristics of 20 lignicolous basidiomycetes species that synthesize volatile organic compounds. An. Sti. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iasi, s.II.a. Biol. Veg. 59(2) – In Press.

PETRE Cristiana Virginia, TANASE C., 2013. Description of the culture characteristics of some lignicolous basidiomycetes species grown on three synthetic media. Journal of Plant Development. 20: 105 – 114.

SÂRBU Anca, SÂRBU I., OPREA Ad., NEGREAN G., CRISTEA V., COLDEA Gh., CRISTUREAN I., POPESCU Gh., OROIAN Silvia, TANASE C., BARTÓK Katalin, GAFTA D., ANASTASIU Paulina, CRISAN Fl., COSTACHE I., GOIA Irina, MARUSCA Th., OTEL V., SAMARGHITAN Mihaela, HENTEA Sorana, PASCALE Gabriela, RADUTOIU D., BAZ Adriana, BORUZ Violeta, PUSCAS M., HIRITIU Mariana, FRINK J., 2007. Arii speciale pentru protectia si conservarea plantelor în România . Edit. Victor B. Victor, Bucuresti: 396 pp.

SESAN Tatiana Eugenia, TANASE C., 2009. Fungi cu aplicatii în agricultura, medicina si patrimoniu . Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti: 305 pp.

STEFAN M., AILIESEI Octavita, NIMITAN Erica, DUNCA Simona, ZAMFIRACHE Maria-Magdalena, UNGUREANU E., 2005. The effect of plant-grow-promoting rhizobacteria on some physiological processes occuring during the “in vitro" germination of maize (Zea mays L.). Natura Montenegrina, 3: 154-157.

STEFAN M., AILIESEI Octavita, UNGUREANU E., DUNCA Simona, NIMITAN Erica, ARTENIE V., 2005. Study of a microbial inoculum on several biochemical indices in sunflower ( Helianthus anuus L.). An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 5: 11-14.

STEFAN M., MIHASAN M., DUNCA Simona, 2008. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria can inhibit the in vitro germination of Glycine max L. seeds. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 9(3): 105-110.

STEFAN M., MIHALACHE Gabriela, MUNTEANU N., DUNCA Simona, MIHASAN M., 2013. Phosphate-solubilising rhizobacteria associated with Phaseolus coccineus L. rhizosphere. An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 13(3): 87-96.

STEFAN N., IVANESCU Lacramioara, 2002. Elemente de morfologie si taxonomie vegetala. Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, Iasi, 433 pag.

STEFANACHE Camelia Paula, DANILA Doina, DRUTU Catalina, 2011. Tehnici conventionale si neconventionale de conservare pentru valorificarea durabila a speciilor Arnica montana si Veronica officinalis in areale naturale din Depresiunea Dornelor. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Stefan cel Mare", Suceava.

STEFANACHE Camelia Paula, DANILA Doina, GILLE Elvira, NECULA R., FALTICEANU Maria, 2012. Contributions to the study of the polyphenolic compounds of Agastache rugosa Kuntze plants in in vitro and conventional culture. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, 37 – 31 mai 2012, Subotica, Serbia.

STEFANACHE Camelia Paula, DANILA Doina, GILLE Elvira, TOMESCU V., 2010. In vitro multiplication used in preserving the Arnica montana L. species in the Romanian Bistrita Mountains. 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of The Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 29th August – 2nd September, Berlin, Germany, Planta Medica , 76: 1380.

STEFANACHE Camelia Paula, DANILA Doina, NECULA Radu, GILLE Elvira, 2010. Studies regarding in vitro regeneration of Arnica montana L. from natural populations - Bistrita Valley (Eastern Carpathians). An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Biol. Veg. , 55(1): 33-42.

STEFANACHE Camelia Paula, DANILA Doina, NECULA R., VANTU Smaranda, GILLE Elvira, 2011. In vivo and in vitro phytochemical studies of Arnica montana L. species from Romanian Eastern Carpathians. Acta Horticulturae, 955: 143-148.

STEFANACHE Camelia Paula, IMSENG Nicole, PETER Samuel, MEIER Beat, EIBl Regine, TANASE Catalin, WOLFRAM Evelyn, 2013. Plant cell-based bioprocessing in small-scale single-use bioreactors for producing bioactive secondary metabolites in Arnica montana L. Conference "Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing", Wädenswil, Switzerland, 3–4 June 2013, Institute of Biotechnology, Zurich University of Applied Sciences.

STEFANACHE Camelia Paula, NECULA R., GILLE Elvira, VANTU Smarandu, DANILA Doina, 2011. Preliminary studies for identification of some active principles in Arnica montana L. cell suspension. Romanian Biological Sciences, 9(1-4): 87-88.

STRATU Anisoara, ZAMFIRACHE Maria-Magdalena, MURARIU Alexadrina, OLTEANU Zenovia, OPRICA Lacramioara, TANASE C., CHINAN V. C., BÎRSAN C., 2011. Physiological and biochemical aspects in the macromycetes species collected from Calimani National Park (The Oriental Carpathians). An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, s. II a. Genetica si Biologie Moleculara , 12: 157-164.

TANASE C., BÎRSAN C., CHINAN V., COJOCARIU Ana, 2009. Macromicete din România. Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, Iasi, 563 pp.

TANASE C., MARDARI C., BIRSAN C. 2010. Ex situ conservation of plants diversity in the sections of "Anastasie Fatu" Botanic Garden Iasi. Materialele Simpozionului Stiintific International "Conservarea diversitatii plantelor" consacrat aniversarii a 60-a de la fondarea Gradinii Botanice (Institut) a Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei : 256-263.

TANASE C., ODOCHIAN Lucia, APOSTOLESCU N., BALAES T. , PUI A., 2014. Study of thermal behaviour of some edible mushrooms. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 115: 947-953.

TANASE C., POP Adriana, 2005. Red List of Romanian Macrofungi Species. Bioplatform – Romanian National Platform for Biodiversity . Editura Academiei Române, Bucuresti, 101–107.

TANASE C., PUI A., 2008. Application of FT IR spectroscopy in the study of fungi. Revista de Chimie, 59(2): 212–215.

TANASE C., PUI A., OLARU R., CHINAN V.C., BÎRSAN C., COJOCARIU Ana. 2008 . Polluted fungi species in the mining waste hills coniferous nurseries, 8th International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection - SGEM 2008 , Albena - Bulgaria, 16-20 iunie 2008, 2: 311-317.

TOMA (GOSTIN) Irina, TOMA C., GHIORGHITA G., 2004. Histo-anatomy and in vitro morphogenesis in Hyssopus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae). Acta Botanica Croatica, 63(1): 59-69.

ZAMFIRACHE Maria-Magdalena, BURZO I., MIHAESCU D., TOMA Irina, OLTEANU Zenovia, APETREI R., SURDU S., 2007. Research regarding the biology of some species of the Pelargonium genus cultivated on the green houses of the Botanical Gardens Iasi. Romanian Journal of Biology, 49-50: 66-78.

ZAMFIRACHE Maria-Magdalena, RUGINA Rodica, OLTEANU Zenovia, TOMA C., IVANESCU Lacramioara , TRUTA Elena, GALES Ramona Crina, 2008. Researches regarding the germination process in species of alimentary interest under the influence of some biologically active substances. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 18: 9-16.

Brevet Nr. 122528/2009. TANASE C., IOANID E. G., Procedeu de depoluare a haldelor miniere de altitudine cu ajutorul macromicetelor.

Brevet Nr. 127965/2012. DRAGHIA Lucia, CHELARU Elena Liliana, TANASE C., SAVENCU Corneliu Emilian, Material textil cu caracteristici degradabile, utilizat în tehnologia cultivarii plantelor si procedeu de obtinere.

Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi

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