


    The 50th edition of the Exotic Plants Exhibition will be held in the Greenhouse Complex compartments, starting on February 8, at 11:00 a.m., until March 9, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

    On the occasion of this jubilee edition, under the theme of Flowers in Celebration, visitors are invited to discover horticultural species and varieties belonging to certain categories of exotic plants, especially azaleas and camellias.
    At this year's edition, the Camellia genus collection is highlighted at the entrance, whose flowers are often called "winter roses" due to the composition of the flowers. This is noticeable in the folded varieties, with a number of petals greater than 6, which have C. japonica as their parental species, such as 'Adolphe Audusson' or 'Robert Casamajor'. The simple flowers, with a single row of petals, have among their parental species C. cuspidata (the 'Cornish Spring' variety) or C. reticulata.
    The landscaping arrangements made by the employees who care for the protected collections in the greenhouse complex, suggest the specific ecological requirements of the mountainous areas located east of the Himalayas, where most species of the genus Rhododendron come from. The presence of rocks in this landscape highlights the preference of most azaleas for stony soils, hence the name derived from the Greek language (azaleos = dry). Most of the azaleas on display, including the horticultural varieties ‘De Waele’s Favorite’, ‘Petrick Alba’, ‘Rolco’, ‘Rubis’, ‘Sachsenstern’ belong to the species R. simsii, being recommended for indoor spaces.
    From humid climate areas, plants from the Araceae families (Anthurium - flamingo flower, Philodendron - philodendrons, Monstera deliciosa - false pineapple), Begoniaceae (Begonia rex - angelica, B. masoniana - iron cross), Acanthaceae (Pachystachys lutea, Justicia carnea), Orchidaceae (Coelogyne, Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum - Venus slipper), the genera Codiaeum (croton), Cycas, Schefflera (umbrella plant), Trachycarpus (fan palm), etc. are grown in greenhouses.

    From arid areas, taxa from the Cactaceae family come, including species from the genera Astrophytum, Cereus, Mammillaria, Opuntia, Parodia, etc. or from the group of succulent plants, such as Aloe, Agave, Crassula, Euphorbia, Kalanchoe, Yucca, etc.

    In a special diorama, specimens belonging to the Bromeliaceae family, endemic to South America, are exhibited, where one can observe terrestrial taxa from the genera Billbergia (Queen's tears), Dyckia, Fosterella, Guzmania or epiphytic species from the genera Acanthostachys and Tillandsia, also known as air plants.

    The species with the most ingenious and curious adaptations are undoubtedly the so-called carnivorous plants, which are presented in two diorames, in which the ecological conditions of their habitat are suggested. Some curious characteristics of the species Cephalotus follicularis and Dionaea muscipula (flytrap) can be noted, as well as of taxa from the genera Drosera (sundews), Nepenthes (monkey pitcher), or Sarracenia (pitcher plant).

    The invitation to visit all these plant collections is launched from the entrance by the symbols on the plant walls (Torii gate, pagoda, Chinese musical instrument yunluo and Eternal Knot). With the help of the contrasting colors of the leaves, they transmit joy, calm, serenity and the desire to enrich ourselves spiritually.
    The price of a ticket is 15 lei, and for students, pensioners and groups (minimum 10 people) it is 10 lei, respectively 5 lei for students, individually or in a group (minimum 10 people), including for the organizers, teachers and parents who accompany them.

    Photography is free.

    History. The Exotic Plants Exhibition is the first event dedicated to the scientific collections of azaleas and camellias in a botanical garden in Romania, organized in February - March, starting with 1975, until now.

    This event is part of the cycle of thematic exhibitions with flowers, fruits and seeds, and contributes essentially to the uniqueness of the "Anastasie Fatu" Botanical Garden of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, which individualizes it in relation to similar institutions in the country and abroad. Through these traditional events, the team of the Botanical Garden of Iasi offers scientific and cultural support, both to the community of Iasi municipality, as well as to visitors from the country and abroad.
    The debut of these events was initially marked by the introduction, for didactic and research purposes, of a small number of azaleas and camellias, in the spaces in the greenhouse complex that were intended for their cultivation and maintenance, less for presentation to visitors.

    Between 1975-2008, the azaleas and camellias were exhibited to the public in small compartments, with narrow access paths, but with the advantage of offering visitors a direct approach to the plants, which impressed with the intense chromaticity of the flowers, but presented the disadvantage of the lack of perspective and the fragmentation of the overall image of the collection.
    Throughout this period, the events took place under the generic name of "Azaleas and Camellias Exhibition", except for 2008 when it was called "The Magic of Flowers".

    Between 2009-2013, the event was called " Messages with Flowers", and this theme inspired visitors who participated in a contest with prizes, for example in the 2011 edition.
    In the exhibition greenhouse dedicated to organizing events, the space was more generous, which allowed the presentation of an impressive number of tropical and subtropical plants from other unique collections.
    The design of the exhibitions began to be carried out in accordance with principles inspired by East Asian culture and tradition, especially Chinese and Japanese, correlated with the predominantly Asian origin of the azaleas and camellia collections. Thus, exhibition stands were created by the employees of the Botanical Garden, which brought together elements of landscape architecture inspired by Japanese gardens (the 2010 edition - pagoda, footbridges, lanterns or fragments of natural stone), by rituals celebrating the arrival of spring (2012 - masks that came from different areas of the world placed between plants of the same origin) or by the art of bonsai (2013).
    The 2014 edition marked the inauguration of 2 new compartments intended for the cultivation of azaleas and camellias, spaces where the 2016 edition was organized, an event that opened the cycle of anniversary events dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of naturalist Anastasie Fatu, founder of the first botanical garden in Romania, a garden that celebrated 160 years of existence.
    In the exhibitions from 2015-2020, visual artists from Iasi exhibited paintings or artistic installations under the generic name "Heart". The parallel development of these cultural events stimulated the artistic expression initiatives of the garden's landscapers, who competed in the use of plant remains, represented by dry roots, stem bark, leaves, flowers or dried fruits, but also rocks or natural fibers, with which they created very refined decorative elements. The sources of inspiration were diverse: love (2016 edition), birds in the culture of peoples (2018 edition) or Japanese gardens (2019 edition).
    In 2020, plants from the flora of Japan were selected for the landscaping, as well as special specimens from the collection of tropical ferns. Also on this occasion, a permanent exhibition with species and hybrids of carnivorous plants, originating from different areas of the world, was inaugurated.

    Starting with 2020, a new element was represented by the creation of vegetable walls from perennial grasses with contrasting foliage.

    In 2021, due to restrictions during the pandemic, the exhibition could not be visited, as the greenhouses were closed, therefore the landscape arrangements inspired by Asian gardens, made with exotic plants or, in the case of dry ones, made of gravel, stone blocks and sand, as well as artistic installations made of plant waste, inspired by the world of insects, were viewed online.

    The exhibitions in the following years brought new elements from Asian culture to the attention of visitors, for example, plant and animal symbols in 2022, elements from Asian philosophy in 2023. They were also exhibited in a diorama where habitats for species that show impressive adaptations to the environment are suggested, representative specimens from the Bromeliaceae family, which also includes the pineapple.

    Photo Gallery


    “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi invites you to visit the Exotic Plants Exhibition, open between February 5th and February 27th 2022.

    With this occasion, known and less known species and varieties of azaleas and camellias will be displayed next to numerous specimens of plants originating from the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia.

    The collection of azaleas and camellias gathers the most representative specimens cultivated in a Romanian botanical garden, remarkable through their age and sizes. To better value the decorative qualities of these plants, the employees of the greenhouse complex show a special care towards them and create landscape arrangements inspired by the Asian gardens.

    One of the newest elements is represented by a special area which we appreciate as a eulogy brought to simplicity, dedicated to a garden that decorates a home, with symbol plants, with a veranda with sliding doors and lanterns.

    Within these arrangements a special place is occupied by the vertical vegetal walls, made with exotic species, decorative through their leaves, used to evoke vegetal and animal symbols, specific to the eastern-Asian space: the orchid, the pagoda tree, the panda bear and the peacock.

    The species and horticultural varieties complete the vegetal diversity found in other sections of the greenhouse complex.

    In the high humidity compartments are cultivated plant species native to the tropical and subtropical regions, such as: fig trees, crotons, palm trees, dracaenas, ferns, begonias, fuchsias, radiator plants, bromeliads, orchids and less known species belonging to several genera, such as Aeschynanthus, Anthurium, Asparagus, Cordyline, Dyckia, Justicia, Pachystachys, Pentas, etc. In the low humidity compartments are sheltered the plant collections originating from the arid regions, like the cacti and the succulent plants from the genera Crassula, Euphorbia, Agave, Aloe, Sedum, Sansevieria, Gasteria, Jatropha, Orbea, Stapelia, Plectranthus, Kalanchoe, Monanthes, Pelargonium, etc.

    In a particular compartment with extreme environmental conditions are cultivated the mixt nutrition or the carnivorous plants. The numerous specimens that attract the public’s attention, especially because of their specific insect traps are presented next to other plant species with whom they normally share the natural habitat. In the special dioramas are displayed specimens of Drosera or sundew, Pinguicula or butterworts, Nepenthes or monkey cup, Dionaea or Venus flytrap and Sarracenia or trumpet pitcher.

    Moreover, in the greenhouses are displayed décor elements set on Asian inspired panels, composed from vegetal debris ennobled by floral arrangements.

    The daily visiting programme is between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

    The price for one ticket is 10 lei, both for the exhibition and the outdoor spaces. Photographing is free.

    We recommend that you use the entry from Dumbrava Rosie Street, no. 7.


    "Anastasie Fatu" Botanical Garden of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, organizes between February 13th and March 14th 2021, a new edition of the Exotic Plants Exhibition .

    According to Regulation HG no.35/10.02.2021, the greenhouses will still be closed for visitors. Due to these special conditions, in which is necessary to prevent and control the effects of COVID-19 pandemic, short series with pictures from the exhibition will be posted online.

    This year also, within the greenhouse compartments, which shelter plants originating from the mountains and tropical forest of Asia, the azaleas and camellias collection with fully bloomed specimens is displayed.

    The several hundreds of plants form the most representative collection of azaleas and camellias from Romania, remarkable through their age and size. In order to capture the decorative qualities of these plants, employees of the Greenhouse Complex contributed with lots of knowledge and skill to their year-round care and also to the creation of different floral arrangements inspired by the Chinese and Japanese Gardens.

    In the online presentations, the public can admire several other specific vegetal elements, especially conifers and exotic ferns. In these landscape assemblages a special place is occupied by stone. This element is very important within the Asian gardens, being used to represent mountains and paths which lead to places that wait to be discovered.

    A new approach in this year’s editions is the dry Asian garden, with specific elements such as the pagoda , stone which carries the time’s irreversible print and sand that suggests the calm and full of mystery waters.

    Also present this year are the vertical green walls made from exotic plants, decorative through their leaves, which suggest specific symbols of the East-Asian region: the crane , the turtle, the lotus and the camellia.

    Numerous other species and horticultural varieties complete the vegetal diversity from different greenhouse compartments.

    Within the high humidity greenhouses tropical and subtropical , plants are being cultivated: fig trees, crotons, palms, dracaenas, ferns, begonias, fuchsias, radiator plants, bromeliads, orchids and many other less known species belonging to genera such as: Aeschynanthus, Anthurium, Asparagus, Cordyline, Dyckia, Justicia, Pachystachys, Pentas, etc. Within the low humidity greenhouses grow species from arid regions like the cacti and succulents: Crassula, Euphorbia, Agave, Aloe, Sedum, Sansevieria, Gasteria, Jatropha, Orbea, Stapelia, Plectranthus, Kalanchoe, Monanthes, Pelargonium, etc.

    A special compartment is dedicated to plant species from extreme environments – the carnivorous plant collection. The numerous individuals that impress through their insect trapping modified leaves are displayed next to other species which whom they share, under natural conditions, the same habitat. In the two specially designed dioramas grow specimens of Drosera or “sundew”, Pinguicula or “butterwort”, Nepenthes or “monkey cup”, Dionaea – or “Venus flytrap” or “steel trap” and Sarracenia or “trumpet pitchers”.

    Among the thousands of plants, several décor elements are being displayed, elements inspired generally by the living world and especially by insects, made by the same dedicated employees, from vegetal debris.

    Exhibition poster

    Photo Gallery

  4. FLOWER, FRUITS AND SEEDS EXHIBITION "AUTUMN FLOWERS -– XLIV edition will be open for public starting with October 25th 2020, 11:00 a.m.

    This event started in 1976, reaching this year its XLIV edition, which is dedicated to the 160th anniversary of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi.

    This edition’s theme – Semper sint in flore! – represents the Botanical Garden’s homage for the generations that contributed to the edification of the first Romanian modern University, followed by this wish directed towards all the members of the Academic community.

    Within the greenhouses unique collections of chrysanthemums, mums, decorative cabbage, chilies and pumpkins will be displayed, next to sample of fruits and seeds belonging to indigenous and exotic plant species.

    The employees of the Botanical Garden put together, especially for this occasion, floral arrangements representing symbols of the University, and distinct topiary forms .

    Every autumn, the Botanical Garden of Iasi organizes this exhibition which marks a very special event – the blooming of chrysanthemums, symbol of longevity, elegance and novelty.

    Within our institution, the chrysanthemum was introduced in culture in 1975, initially with only 3 varieties; through the years the species and varieties were diversified and their number continuously grew, forming nowadays an unique collection in Romania as diversity, scientific value and culture forms.

    With this occasion 212 varieties of Chrysanthemum grandiflorum (chrysanthemum for cut flower) will be displayed, from which 23 legally approved varieties were obtained at our institution.

    The collection includes all categories of inflorescences, according to the internationally accepted classifications, new acclimated varieties, recently introduced, and varieties for pots or outdoors.

    Moreover, 209 varieties of Chrysanthemum indicum (mums) will also be presented for the public, from which 14 legally approved varieties were obtained at our institution. A great patrimonial value is attributed to the collection comprising of 31 old, traditional Romanian varieties of mums that are presently in danger of disappearance from the peasant gardens.

    Presently we also cultivate 29 species belonging to the genus Chrysanthemum, including the parental species for all cultured varieties – C. indicum and C. morifolium . Among these species of chrysanthemums, several taxa have different uses in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese traditions: alimentary chrysanthemum – C. nankingense, aromatic chrysanthemum – Balsamita major, insecticidal chrysanthemum Tanacetum parthemium, medicinal chrysanthemum – Tanacetum vulgare, tinctorial chrysanyhemum (pink pigment) – Chrysanthemum zawadskii.

    Along the chrysanthemums we will display our collections of decorative cabbage, chilies and pumpkins, fruits and seeds belonging to ornamental, alimentary and medicinal species with different bio-geographic origins, cultivated in the sections of the Botanical Garden.

    In this setting will be exhibited 10 species and subspecies of genus Capsicum with 122 varieties and hybrids, from which 16 varieties are displayed for the first time: Capsicum annuum 'Black Olive', Capsicum annuum 'Cayenne Chocolate ', Capsicum annuum 'Thunder Mountain Longhorn', Capsicum baccatum 'Aji Omnicolor', Capsicum chinense 'Dorset Naga', Capsicum chinense 'Aribibi Gusano', Capsicum chinense 'Fidalgo Roxa' etc.

    This year we will present the first three hottest varieties of chilies in the world, with pungencies between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 SHU: 'Carolina Reaper', 'Trinidad Moruga Scorpion' and '7 Pot Douglah'.

    Next to the Capsicum representatives, will be presented 13 species belonging to the genus Solanum, originating from Europe, Asia, Australia, America and Africa, toxic or medicinal plants with distinct and unique morphological characteristics. The new entries of this edition are the tzimbalo (Solanum caripense) native to South America and cultivated for its fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, the toxic Solanum linnaeanum native to South Africa and the African nightshade (Solanum marginatum), native to Ethiopia and Eritrea, medicinal species with cardiotonic and immunomodulatory properties.

    In the exhibition spaces will be displayed 200 varieties of decorative pumpkins belonging to genus Cucurbita, 10 varieties of Cucumis (African spiny cucumbers), the varieties 'Crystal Lemon' (yellow cucumber) and 'Soo-Yoo-Long' (long cucumber), Cyclanthera pedata (wild cucumbers), Diplocyclos palmatus (stripped cucumber), Melothria scabra 'Cucamelon' (Mexican cucumber), 3 varieties of Luffa (vegetal sponge) and 36 varieties of Lagenaria (gourd), next to Momordica charantia (vegetal insulin or bitter cucumber), Benincasa hispida (wax gourd or winter melon) and Trichosanthes cucumerina (snake gourd) originating from different regions of South America, Africa and Asia.

    Keeping the tradition, this year the public will also recognize the topiary zoomorphs made from pumpkins, spiny and stripped cucumbers, different fruits and seeds that reflects the employee’s imagination, passion and creativity.

    The decorative cabbage collection with alimentary and medicinal importance reunites 67 taxa belonging to 4 species (Brassica oleracea, Brassica elongata, Brassica juncea and Brassica rapa), with 14 varieties and 53 F1 hybrids, 36 with ornamental value, counting over 6,000 specimens. With this occasion we will present 8 new decorative hybrids: 'Flare White', 'Flare Rose', 'Nagoya Red', 'Nagoya Rose', 'Nagoya White' and alimentary hybrids: 'Rubin', 'Juniusi Orias', 'Proxima', 'Summer Purple', 'Delikatesse White', 'Delikatesse Blauer' and 'January King 3'.

    The exhibition will be open daily, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., until November 15th 2020.

    The price for one ticket is 6 lei/person and for groups is 3 lei/person. Taking photos is free.

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    “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, invites all of you from February 8th to March 8th 2020, to visit the Exotic Plants Exhibition, event that presents representative collections from the Greenhouse Complex. With this occasion, the azaleas and camellias are displayed within landscape floral designs inspired by the Asian gardens.

    These remarkable horticultural collections, characterized by special culture conditions are accessible to the public only for a short period of time, from February until March, when most of the species and varieties are in bloom. A specific element, with great decorative and symbolic value, highly appreciated in Asia is the stone, used for representing the water and the mountains. The esthetic of these spaces is completed by species with decorative leaves: Araucaria bidwillii – “Bunya pine”, Aucuba japonica – “Japanese laurel”, Fatsia japonica, Nandina domestica – “sacred bamboo” and Pittosporum tobira.

    In this year’s edition, a part of the ferns cultivated in the Botanical Garden’s greenhouses uplifts the Asian gardens edified by azaleas and camellias, interesting information regarding the scientific and practical use of these plants being offered to the public: Adiantum capillus-veneris – “maidenhair fern”, Asplenium bulbiferum – “mother’s spleenwort”, Asplenium nidus – “bird’s nest fern”, Asplenium viviparum, Cyrtomium falcatum – “Holly fern”, Nephrolepis biserrata , Nephrolepis exaltata – “sword fern”, Phlebodium aureum – “golden polypody”, Platycerium bifurcatum – “elkhorn fern”, Pteridium aquilinum – “brackenfern”, Pteris cretica – “ribbon fern”, Selaginella martensii.

    The greenhouses offer the visitors the opportunity to observe many plant species with different bio-geographical origins: Mediterranean (bay laurel, myrtle, pomegranate, olive tree, strawberry tree, dwarf palm), tropical humid (orchids, acalypha, begonias, peperomias, crotons, dragon trees, bromeliads, lobster’s claws, fittonias, mango tree) or tropical dry (cacti, euphorbias, agave, aloe).

    This year the Botanical Garden will inaugurate a new permanent exhibition with species and hybrids of carnivorous plants, originating from Europe, North America, tropical Asia, Australia, Indonesia, and Madagascar. Within the dioramas, among the sphagnum moss and various fern species, several known or less known carnivorous plants will be displayed: “sundew”, “butterwort”, “monkey cup”, “pitcher plant”, “trumpet pitchers” and “Venus flytrap”. The dioramas with carnivorous plants were made within the CNFIS-FDI-2019-0333 project: The diversity of germplasm resources from extreme environments for ecological education in the Botanical Garden of Iasi .

    Another new aspect of this edition is represented by the vegetal walls or vertical gardens. This approach is considered to be a modern way of using ornamental plants within the living and working spaces as modular vegetal panels.

    The displayed compositions are arranged using models inspired by the Japanese windows, distinguished by unicity, personality, elegance and style. These vegetal arrangements were put together using thousands of specimens, obtained from perennial species originating from Asia, South America and Africa and cultivated within our greenhouses: Callisia repens, Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum'– “spider plant”, Fittonia argyroneura 'Albivenis' – “nerve houseplant”, Hemigraphis alternata – “waffle plant”, Hemigraphis repanda – “dragon’s tongue”, Hoffmania discolor – “taffeta plant”, Pellionia repens – “rainbow plant”, Pilea depressa – “baby tears”, Pilea microphylla, Pilea spruceana 'Silver tree' – “angel wings”, Saxifraga stolonifera – “Aaron’s beard”.

    During the exhibition, several visual art works will be displayed under the title Inima (Heart), event that reached its 9th edition. The major theme is Joy-exuberance, the works of Ionela Mihuleac and two artists from Ireland and Iran, next to several works belonging to Romanian authors will be presented to the public.

    The opening will take place Saturday, February 8th, 11.00 a.m., within the new Greenhouse complex. Alexandra Ciornei and Octavian Onici will present a musical moment.

    The exhibition will be opened daily, between 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., until Sunday, March 8th 2020.
    The price for one ticket is 10 lei, and for organized grous is 5 lei/person. Taking photos is free.

    Exhibition poster

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  6. Dr. Kiril Vassilev – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    Workshop Romanian Grassland Database: historical background, current status and future perspectives

    It is our great pleasure to announce that dr. Kiril Vassilev from the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, deputy custodian of the Romanian Grassland Database will organize a workshop in the Botanic Garden of the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi.

    Dr. Kiril Vassilev will present interesting aspects on the Romanian Grassland Database (RGD) as its historical background, current status and future perspectives. The Romanian Grassland Database (RGD) is a collaborative database within the framework of the European Vegetation Archive (EVA), which is an integrated database of European vegetation plots.

    The workshop will have three main topics:

    • how one can technically organize large, high-quality databases in TURBOVEG that are compatible with international networks (example RGD);

    • how the workflow of digitization and geo-referencing can be done best;

    • what benefits can be expected from such a database and how it can be used for studies of flora, vegetation and habitats at national & regional scale;

    The workshop will take place in the meeting room of the „Anastasie Fatu” Botanic Garden, at 10 o’clock, on 29th of November 2017. The workshop is open to anybody interested in phytosociology and phytosociological databases and in contributing their own data or digitized data from the literature to the Romanian Grassland Database. The participants will need to bring personal laptops and to register on mail:, untill 20th of November 2017.


    From February 4th to February 26th 2017 we are inviting you to discover azaleas and camellias, the so called winter’s flowers, considered by several Asian peoples to be true plant symbols.

    The collection gathers numerous specimens that impress through their intense colored flowers and ages of over 40 years. The floral arrangements realized by the Botanical Garden’s employees are combined with wood and rock fragments and vegetal debris.

    In the exhibition space exotic species are presented that can be discovered through touching, but also plants that have decorative leaves such as crotons, figs, dracaenas, ferns, bay laurels, begonias, impressive flowers such as orchids, freesias, lobster-claws and remarkable habitus: fan palms, sago palms, cacti and succulent plants.

    In the same space, Ionela Mihuleac together with 44 plastic artists from Iasi and other cities, display visual art works under the name Inima (Heart), event that reached its 6th edition.

    On February 4th, at 11:00 a.m., Ruxandra-Maria Tun and Abou Ainain Sammy, from the violin class - Children’s Palace, coordinated by professor Lacramioara Matei will hold a musical moment.

    Sponsor: Royal Tea & Coffee Iasi

    The exhibition will be opened daily, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    The ticket price is 5 RON and for the organized groups 3 RON. Photographing is free.

    We recommend that you use the main entrance of the Botanical Garden, from Dumbrava Rosie Street, no. 7.

    Exhibition Poster

    Photo Gallery


    The opening will take place on Saturday, September 29th 2016, 11:00 a.m., in the Exhibition Greenhouse of “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden of Iasi, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, being dedicated to the anniversary of 200 years from Anastasie Fatu’s birth and 160 years since the foundation of the first Romanian botanical garden. The event that reached its 40th edition represents a manifestation with tradition having as main purpose the preservation of scientific collections with an important patrimonial value – chrysanthemums and mums, decorative cabbage, pumpkins and chilies, and also numerous fruits and seeds from plant species that are cultivated within the botanical garden.

    Chrysanthemum species, especially the horticultural varieties that are part of the scientific collection of the Botanical Garden will be displayed in forms and interesting arrangements both in the outdoor spaces and in the greenhouse next to information regarding the taxonomy, culture forms, origin and various categories of chrysanthemums and different uses of these plants – chrysanthemums as food and bio-insecticides resource, aromatic and medicinal chrysanthemums or the chrysanthemum used in China for pigment extraction for obtaining new varieties. There will also be presented information regarding the traditional Asian cultivation techniques for chrysanthemum and their introduction in Europe and America. The importance of this plant diverts especially from its exceptional esthetic qualities, being recommended for every event, but also from the fact that it is a plant that blooms during the autumnal and hibernal seasons. Special attention was given to the presentation of the species and varieties, highlighting their origin and first uses in China and Japan, starting with the 15th century B.C., following their journey to Europe and America, where they had been recognized and appreciated for their special characteristics, new varieties and culture techniques being developed.

    In our country, the chrysanthemum cultures followed the natural trend in what concerns the amelioration techniques and within this institution were created several varieties with important decorative value, approved and maintained in culture for over 40 years. Next to the 12 Romanian varieties of Chrysanthemum indicum – mums (Armonie, Autumnala, Bicolor, Paloma etc.) and 10 varieties of Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum (Orizont, Profira, Romica, Tamara, Lucian Corneliu, Carmen, Asfintit, Anica etc.) various other varieties will be displayed, starting with the early ones from the international selection, and during the exhibition will be presented the semi-early and late varieties – over 120 different varieties of chrysanthemums, 135 varieties of mums and 13 spontaneous species from Europe, Asia and Africa.

    The collection of Brassica genus (decorative cabbage) includes 49 taxa that belong to 3 species, 8 varieties and 37 F1 hybrids, with scientific, ornamental and therapeutic value. The scientific value of this collection is given by the evolution through polyploidy and the ornamental importance is given by the remarkable colors and contrast due to the presence of antocyanins, and the therapeutic and alimentary value is offered by the presence of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, flavonoids, vitamins (C, K, A, B, E) and minerals (S, Ca, K, Mn, Cu, Fe, Mg).

    Also within this exhibition 7 species of Capsicum genus will be displayed, next to 45 varieties of decorative chilies, along with relevant explanations regarding their origin, history, mythology, uses, but also information about their heat index. For the first time the Ghost variety will be presented with a heat index of over 1000000 SHU, considered to be dangerously hot. In the last few years a great deal of attention was given to the Solanum genus collection, decorative through their leaves and fruits: S. aviculare , S. melongena and S. sisymbriifolium.

    From the Cucurbitaceae family 150 different varieties and numerous decorative specimens will be displayed, interesting through their shapes, colors and sizes, many of them with medicinal value, belonging to Cucurbita genus (C. pepo, C. maxima, C. moschata), 20 varieties of Lagenaria (L. siceraria), Luffa genus (L. cylindrica, L. acutangula and L. operculata, presented for the first time), but also 8 species of Cucumis (African spiny cucumbers). Momordica charantia (bitter cucumber or vegetal insulin) has a remarkable medicinal importance and Trichosanthes cucumerina (snake gourd), was introduced for the first time within this collection.

    With this occasion 140 specimens of fruits and seeds will be presented to the public. The general theme is focused on the idea of Fruits and seeds: patterns or hazard? aiming to clarify if the diversity of fruits and seeds is a coincidence or it follows a pattern a predefined plan in order to perpetuate the species.

    The exhibition will be opened daily, from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m., until November 20th 2016.

    The price for one ticket is 5 ron and for organized groups is 3 ron. Taking photos is free.

    Exhibition poster

    Photo gallery


    The exhibition can be visited within the Greenhouses Complex, starting from Friday, September 23rd 2016, 10:00 a.m., until September 25th 2016, 6:00 p.m.

    The price for one ticket is 5 ron and for organized groups is 3 ron. Taking photos is free.

    Exhibition poster

    Photo Gallery

  10. Associated Professor Snezana Cupara, PhD, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia


      May 17th, 11:00 a.m., B2 amphitheatre, Faculty of Biology

      May 18th, 12:00 p.m., Conference room, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi

      May 19th, 9:00 a.m., Council room, “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden of Iasi


    From April 18th to April 22nd, the Botanical Garden of Iasi organizes a series of educative events, presentations and themed trips dedicated especially to pupils within the program Informal School: know more, be better!

    Trained personnel from the Botanical Garden will initiate several ecological activities with pupils from “Costache Negruzzi” National College of Iasi, “Garabet Ibraileanu” National College of Iasi, Sanitary College of “Ovid Caledoniu” Technological Highschool of Tecuci.

    The activities will be held daily, from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. The price for one ticket is 5 ron and for organized groups is 3 ron. Volunteers have free acces.

    Photo Gallery


    The Botanical Garden organizes from February 13th until March 13th 2016 an exhibition dedicated to the azaleas and camellias collections. This event opens the cycle of anniversary manifestations which highlights 200 years from Anastasie Fatu’s birth and 160 years from the establishment of the first Romanian Botanical Garden.

    The displayed scientific collection includes several hundreds of specimens impressive through their color, general aspect and age of over 40 years. The floral arrangements put together with a lot of sensibility by the botanical garden’s employees, suggest the nature’s fragile paradise, but also the adaptations of these plants to specific life conditions. The greenhouses exhibition space is decorated with several beautiful exotic plant species such as: crotons, figs, Cycas, umbrella-trees, Dracaena, ferns, Maranta, begonias, geraniums, strawberry tree, mango, flamingo flower, cacti and succulent plants.

    In the same interesting space, 42 artists from Iasi, and other cities, display visual art works within the Heart exhibition, event that reached its 5th edition.

    The exhibition will be opened daily, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

    The price for one ticket is 5 ron and for organized groups is 3 ron. Taking photos is free.

    We recommend you to use the entrance from Dumbrava Ro?ie Street, no.7.

    Exhibition poster

    Photo Gallery


    The opening will take place on Saturday, October 31st, 11:00 a.m., in the exhibitions greenhouse within “Anastasie Fatu” Botanica Garden, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. The event known as Autumn Flowers reached its a XXXIXth edition and represents a great occasion of presenting several collections with great patrimonial value, such as chrysanthemums, mums, pumpkins, cabbage and decorative peppers .

    The species of chrysanthemum and especially the indigenous and exotic varieties and cultivars, more or less known are presented in thousands of specimens, both within the external sectors and greenhouses. The biological material, cultivated exclusively in the Botanical Garden is accompanied by explanations concerning the taxonomy, cultural forms and medicinal or nutritional importance of chrysanthemums .

    The inflorescence sizes, shapes and colors represents the creative source in realizing certain symbols inspired by chrysanthemum, considered to be the flower of life. The incredible diversity and beauty of these plants harnessed by the imagination of growers from the Botanical Garden make them the messengers of fundamental symbols for those who seek the essence and truth of the surrounding world. The spiral of chrysanthemums is connected with other major symbols , represented by the circle and the sphere, responsible for the cosmic energy transfer towards earth. These shapes convey the idea of harmony and suggest a new beginning.

    Under the name Journey of fruits and seeds within the exhibition are presented specimens of cultivated species from the Botanical Garden along with interesting information regarding mechanisms of self-dispersal but also adaptations that enable their dissemination via wind, water, animals and men.

    Ionela MIHULEAC is a guest of this years’ event, as a coordinator of a group of children between 4-7 years old who are the creators of artwork inspired by nature, carried out within the Ceramic workshop .

    Pupils from 1st – 4th grade from Elena Cuza School of Iasi, coordinated by professor Luminita MURARIU, present under the name of Autumn colors symphony , aquarelles on dry and wet material, dactyl-painting, collages with natural materials, paper and colored cardboard.

    Gabriela ENASESCU and Lidia BOURCEANU from „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi and guests Liviu MUNTEAN and Ionut COPACEL from the „Moldova” Philarmonic, Iasi will hold an artistic moment called Synesthesia with music and flowers. The program will also include pieces interpreted by Universitas choral with students from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, under the coordination of Gabriela ENASESCU, director: Alexandru DARIE, piano: professor Smaranda ACATRINEI from “Octav Bancila” National Art College, Iasi.

    The exhibition will be opened daily, between 9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m., until Saturday, November 22nd.

    The ticket price is 5 RON, and for organized groups 3 RON. Photographing is free.

    Photo Gallery

  15. The opening will take place Saturday-October 25th 2014 at 11.00 a.m. in the exhibition greenhouse from the “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden from Iasi. The event called “Autumn Flowers” reached its XXXVIII edition and offers a good opportunity for the people to admire the Chrysanthemum collection.
    The richness of species and varieties is represented by thousands of specimens exposed in the open spaces and within the greenhouse. The exhibits impress by their various culture forms and intensely colored inflorescences and are arranged according to scientific and esthetic criteria. The written information offers to those who are interested the opportunity to widen their botanical and horticultural knowledge. Within this exhibition 120 varieties of Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum and 130 varieties of Chrysanthemum indicum will be exposed. Varieties of Chrysanthemum indicum explained in Braille and Latin alphabet can be noticed by their specific smell and velvety aspect within the subsection for people with visual disabilities.

    The autumnal aspect is completed by numerous decorative specimens of ornamental cabbage (Brassica, 2 varieties, 31 hybrids), ornamental chili peppers (Capsicum, 37 varieties) and pumpkins and melons (Cucurbita, 150 varieties). Some of these are personalized and reunited within an amusement area destined for visitors of all ages.

    A particular charm is given by the 140 specimens of fruits and seed belonging to plant species from different groups, classified according to their use: from spices to tanning species or toxic ones, which are accompanied by relevant information.

    Gabriela ENASESCU and Lidia BOURCEANU from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi, together with guests: the soprano Victoria BLEORTZ (Moldova Philharmonic from Iasi) and the tenors Traian HUDUMEAC (Romanian National Opera from Iasi) and Liviu Muntean (Moldova Philharmonic from Iasi) will interpret an artistic moment Music in a piece of heaven.

    The exhibition will be opened daily between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. until November 23rd 2014. The ticket price is 5 roni/ person and for organized groups 3 roni/ person. Photographing is free.

    Exhibition poster

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  17. Specialists from the Botanical Garden from Iasi and PhD students from the Research Laboratory for Fungi from the Faculty of Biology, organize an exhibition with over 300 species of eatable, toxic and poisonous mushrooms, collected from forests situated near Iasi and from Bacau, Neamt and Suceava counties.

    Starting from Saturday-September 20th 2014, 11.00 a.m. until Sunday-September 21st 2014, 7 p.m., several fresh specimens of Amanita phalloides (death cap), the most toxic species from Romania and numerous other species more or less known by the public will capture your attention through their shapes, colors and importance in the stability and health of natural ecosystems.

    The exhibition can be visited in the Greenhouse Complex. The ticket price is 5 roni/person and for organized groups 3 roni/ person. Photographing is free.

    Exhibition poster

    Photo Gallery


    Between June 5th and June 8th 2014, the Association Herpetological Group Moldavica in collaboration with “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden from Iasi, will organize a photography exhibition with protected species of amphibians and reptiles from Romania. The event is addressed to nature lovers of all ages, being an educational activity integrated in the program dedicated to World Environment Day.

    The photographs catch in an artistic way the diversity of these animals and the scientific rigor of specific details, accompanied by novel explanations. The pictures are original, being taken by the members of the Association since 2006, during several monitoring and conservation expeditions.

    The exhibition will be opened between 9.00 a.m. and 8 p.m. and during these hours the members of the Herpetological Group Moldavica will answer every question you addressed them. The ticket price is 5 roni/ person and for organized groups 3 roni/ person. Photographing is free.

    Exhibition poster

    Photo Gallery


    Between April 7th and April 10th 2014, the “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden from Iasi, organizes a series of workshops, educational manifestations and awareness activities dedicated to pupils and student within the program Informal School: know more, be better!

    Volunteers – pupils from Petre Poni Technological Highschool from Iasi and other educational institutions, students from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi, will participate in different kind of activities such as: planting tree saplings and informal educational activities.

    The visitors will get valuable scientific information concerning the different groups of plants found in the sectors of our Botanical Garden.

    The Botanical Garden in collaboration with SistemIS Group will organize a workshop called Discovering Nature – practical demonstrations, photography exhibitions focused on biodiversity. SistemIS members will hold several presentations in order to emphasize the importance of protecting the European ground squirrel.

    The activities will take place daily, between 9.00 am and 5 p.m. The ticket price is 5 roni/person and for organized groups 3 roni/person. The volunteers have free access.


    “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi invites you to visit the Azaleas and Camellias Exhibition, opened between February 2nd and March 2nd 2014.

    For this exhibition 2 new compartments of the Greenhouse Complex were set accordingly for the cultivation of species from this scientific collection. Because these species require specific growth conditions the temperature and humidity levels are permanently monitored as well as the pH of the soil. Some specimens are over 40 years old and have over 1.50 m high. In the specific climatic conditions of the Botanical Garden these species blossom from December until March.

    Most of the cultivated species and varieties belong to Camellia and Rhododendron genera which are native to Asia where are used mainly in ornamental purposes. Often these plants are associated with conifers fact that gives them a certain touch of elegance and discretion.

    In order to highlight the beautiful colors of the flowers several specimens of thuja, cypress and spruce were used, along with species of ferns, which through their luxuriant aspect suggest a drop of exuberance in a space that emits an eastern-Asian sobriety.

    The visitors are expected daily, between 9.00 a.m. and 4 p.m. to rediscover the beauty of one of the most spectacular and important plants collection from our Botanical Garden. The ticket price is 5 roni/person and for organized groups 3 roni/person. Photographing is free.

    Exhibition poster

    Photo Gallery

  21. Susanne Dombrowski and Evelyn Wolfram-Schilling, from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in visit to the Botanical garden of Iasi

    Dr. Susanne Dombrowski - Head of degree program from Institute of Biotechnology and Dr. Evelyn Wolfram-Schilling - specialist researcher within the Group of Phytopharmacy, from the same Institute, from Zurich University of Applied Sciences, associate Professor at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, have participated during 22-26 of October 2013 in an experience exchange organized by the Botanical Garden, in collaboration with PhD. students from the Fungal Research Laboratory, with specialists from the Integrated Center of Environmental Science Studies in the North East Development Region- CERNESIM , all within Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, specialists from the National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences Bucharest, "Stejarul" Biological Research Center - Piatra Neamt, academics and PhD. students within the Laboratory of Pharmacognosy from Faculty of Pharmacy, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi.

    Within the program, the research results and Offers of Collaboration were presented, and a Memorandum of Scientific Collaboration between the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi and Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) has been signed.


    Sunday, 20th of October, at 11 o’clock, AM, in the Greenhouse of Exhibition of the Botanical Garden, the XXXVII edition of AUTUMN FLOWERS Exhibition will be opened. The soprano Gabriela ENASESCU, along with his guests, soprano Victoria BLEORTZ from the "Moldova" Philharmonic of Iasi and the tenor Traian HUDUMEAC from Romanian National Opera of Iasi, will perform an artistic moment entitled The autumn song through the tenderness of flowers .

    In this year's edition also the collections from genera Chrysanthemum, Cucurbita, Lagenaria, Cucumis, Echinocystis, Brassica, Capsicum and Solanum are valued through the chromatics and unusual forms of culture practiced only in the Botanical Garden of Iasi. The varied species and sorts offer special relaxing scenery, and can enrich the knowledge about plant diversity. Many specimens of exotic plants scattered among chrysanthemums, especially fruit and seed samples originating from trees and shrubs grown in sections of the Botanical Garden are also contributing to the general view. A new element is the presentation of samples of flowers, fruits and seeds according to the uses of parent plant species, based on their therapeutic action: cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, dermatology, nutrition and metabolism. There are also presented samples from plants that are toxic or used for dyeing.

    On this occasion, 4 new greenhouse compartments will be open for visitors, where collections of tropical plants, cacti and succulents will be exhibited.

    The exhibition will be open daily from 9.00-17.00 hours until Sunday, 17th of November.

    The entry price is 5.00 Lei, and for organized groups is 3.00 Lei per individual. Taking pictures is allowed for free.

    The poster of the exhibition

    Photo gallery


    Sunday, February 3, at 11 o’clock, will take place the opening of a new edition of the exhibition with exotic plants species grown in the Greenhouses Complex.

    This event gives us the opportunity to present in the Exhibiting Greenhouse some plant collections with great patrimonial value, which are distinguishing by the abundance of species and varieties and comes from the international exchanges with botanical gardens from other continents.

    Mysterious symbols of the Far East are found in the colors and shapes diversity but also in the elements used for the realization of floral arrangements.

    Azaleas, camellias and bonsais will be noticed again, elements which are inseparably linked with the Sino-Japanese space.

    Exhibition space is highlighted also by numerous specimens of crotons, dracaenas, ferns, begonias, maranthas, orchids, citrus, cacti and succulent plants.

    The exhibition is open daily from 9.00 to16.00 hours, until February 24. The ticket price is 5 lei.

    The poster of the exhibition

    Photo gallery

  24. 1 June – The Children International Day.
    IMAGINARE – Ionela Mihuleac art studio exhibit on this occasion, in the Botanical Garden, creations from ceramic and wood.
    Photo gallery

  25. 22 April – The Earth Day
    Botanical Garden organized an activity of planting some species of trees in collaboration with students from "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iasi
    Photo gallery

    Botanical Garden invites you to rediscover the vitality of nature even at the beginning of the February, during the opening of the Messages with Flowers exhibition, which will take place on Sunday, 5 February 2012, 11.00 o’clock.

    This year edition offers, besides the chromatic diversity of flowers originating from different parts of the world, masks made by the students from the Botanical Garden staff, masks united in the symbols of the long expected spring. This season had always a special importance, and people celebrated it by different rituals in which the masks had a special role. Inspired by nature and using products from nature, a stunning variety of masks has been created: some rudimentary, but full of significations as in Africa or Polynesia, others more elegant, like the Venetian ones or very refined as masks evolved in Japanese Noh theater.

    Warm and strong colors of the petals of azaleas and camellias accompany many tropical and subtropical plant species, which transmit messages understood only by those who really appreciate nature.
    The poster of the exhibition

    Photo gallery


    Botanical Garden "Anastasie Fatu" of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iasi organizes in October 23 to November 20, 2011 period, the XXXVth edition of the AUTUMN FLOWERS Exhibition . This event is dedicated to the celebration of 155 years from the foundation in Iasi of the first botanical garden in Romania, by the physician and naturalist Anastasie Fatu .

    The official opening will take place on 23 of October at 11:00 in the Exhibition Greenhouse, where CORAL ART'IS VOX , coordinated by Professor Bogdan Cojocaru, will give a concert with operas signed by Martian Negrea, Pascanu Alexandru Vasile Spatarelu and Sabin Pautza.

    In the spirit of a true tradition, the species and varieties of chrysanthemums, and also various horticultural forms cared by the specialists of the Botanical Garden will be presented. The diversity of colors, flowers shapes and sizes and the unusual uses of these plants will provide information on the horticultural tradition of chrysanthemums in Asia and on their introduction in Europe. On the alley for the people with visual disabilities, the exposed varieties will impress by the specific smell and soft appearance

    Within the exhibition, a great variety of fruits and seeds, and also many decorative forms of cabbages, peppers, squashes and pumpkins will be presented. They will be completed for the first time, by the special color of beet leaf petiole.

    Visiting program: daily from 9.00 to 17.00.
    Photo gallery


    “Anastasie Fatu” Botanic Garden organizes between 6th February and 20th March 2011, the exhibition of exotic plants MESSAGES WITH FLOWERS .

    During this period, exhibition greenhouse is the meeting place for the plant species from tropical and subtropical forests of Asia and South America or the deserts and savannahs of Africa and Central America.

    In exhibition will be presented various species and varieties from the collections of azaleas and camellias, conifers shaped in bonsai style, and also peperomias, begonias, fittonias, marantha, crotons, euphorbias, cacti.

    On this occasion there will be a contest of messages and photos devoted to flowers which aims to promote the interest in plant species diversity from the collections of Botanic Garden Iasi.
    Photo gallery

  29. Exhibition of flowers, fruits and seeds

    Botanical Garden of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi organizes during October 23rd – November 14th, the 34th edition of the Autumn Flowers Exhibition.

    The official opening will take place on 23rd October at 11:00 in exhibiting Greenhouse, where performers from National Opera from Iasi will show a vocal-instrumental moment.

    Sunday, October 24th, from 14:00, the concert will be performed by Presto Quartette of “George Enescu” Art University of Iasi.

    The edition of this year is to celebrate a century and a half from the founding of the University of Iasi. The cultivars of Chrysanthemums, cared with great love and knowledge of our gardeners will enjoy on this occasion the eyes and souls of all those who come to see. On anniversary, these flowers will suggest by symbols all the fifteen Faculty of our University, being the sign of gratitude for all those who helped with the mind, heart and actions to strengthen this edifice of science and culture.

    The exhibition will be presented 150 cultivars of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium and 100 cultivars belonging to the Chrysanthemum indicum species. Among flowers, under the name Singing Earth, Ionela MIHULEAC will exhibit artwork in ceramics.

    This year, autumn tempts us all, more than ever to find deeper meanings in the amazing seed!

    The exhibition is dedicated to the International Year of Biodiversity , and is exposed a wide variety of fruits and seeds from the species and varieties of plants from the Botanical Garden collections.

    Symbols of abundance, prosperity and good fortune, the fruits and seeds are everywhere valued as sources of energy that ensured their fulfillment. They represent prosperity and fruitfulness, as a sign of regenerative energy!

    Decorative shapes of zucchini and squash, cabbage and peppers, along with rarities like wild sesame, Caigua, mammoth tusks and curiosities such as cucumber grenade, maclura, cochineal, the tree of pagodas, wish more than ever, to remind everyone that LIFE BEGINS WITH US, FOR YOU!
    Photo gallery


    “Anastasie Fatu” Botanic Garden of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi organized during 6th – 28th of February the exhibition of exotic plants MESSAGES WITH FLOWERS. This event, which repeats every year, has become a real tradition for the community of Iasi. The exhibition, a real exotic oasis, groups species and cultivars of decorative plants: orchids, crotons, begonias, ferns, peperomias, figs, dracaenas, acalipha, bromelia, as well as numerous bonsai. Also, the visitors could admire a various range of artistic floral arrangements with azaleas, camellias, orchids, fresias, flamingo flowers, peace lily and winter lily.

    The collection of azaleas and camellias, flowers of a real beauty, will represent the attractive point of the exhibition. The azaleas are originary from far Orient (China, Japan, Koreea). Considered to be the most beautiful flowers of the winter, the azaleas attract by their flowers of various colours (red, coral, lilac, violet, pink, carmin, white). The camellias, originary from the tropical and subtropical regions of South-East Asia, China and Japan, are different in comparison with the azaleas, but similar regarding the beauty and refinement, by nuances of red, pink and white.

    In the collection of the Botanic Garden of Iasi 35 azaleas and 12 camellias cultivars are present. Both species need special care, because they prefer low temperatures, that is why they bloom only in the cold season and when spring comes they begin the “sleep period”.
    Photo gallery

  31. The 33rd edition of "Autumn Flowers" exhibition took place between 18th october and 8th november 2009.


    The actual edition of the exhibition "Autumn Flowers" is an invitation to discover the glamour of the noble arts, in their aesthetics being integrated stories and symbols with and about the chrysanthemums. We are proposing the present thematic because the chrysanthemums have always surprised by chromatics and odour. Their origin is suggested by interlacing shapes and colours, where you will find a droplet of the philosophy of the people from ‘world’s extremity’ as the ancient Europeans believed. There will be displayed 130 cultivars of chrysanthemums belonging to the species Chrysanthemum morifolium and over 70 cultivars of chrysanthemums belonging to the species Chrysanthemum indicum.

  32. Continuuing our tradition of creating the aspect of an unforgettable autumn, numerous decorative cultivars and forms belonging to Cucurbita (pumpkins), Brassica (cabbage) and Capsicum (peppers) genera will be exposed.

    The cultivars exposed on the Alley for the Sightless People pay tribute to the inventor of the writing system which bears his name, Louis BRAILLE (1809 – 1852), whose birth was 200 years ago.

    An amazing aspect of the present edition is represented by the fruit and seeds collection belonging to ligneous species from all continents, cultivated in the Botanic Garden’s sections.

    In the opening, Presto Quartette of ‘George Enescu’ Art University of Iasi will perform a concert with musical works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Pietro Mascagni, Scott Joplin, Astor Piazzola, Carlos Gardel, Doru Popovici and others. Presto Quartette is composed of Amalia Gisca – 1st violin, Madalina Dascalu – 2nd violin, Georgiana Bordeianu - viola, Oana Postolache - violoncello.

  33. During 16th – 18th October 2009 will take place the VIIth edition of the Scientific Symposium In situ and ex situ Plant Diversity Conservation organized by “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, “Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden and Vegetal Biology Department from the Faculty of Biology in collaboration with “Alexandru Borza” Botanical Garden, Taxonomy and Ecology Department from the Faculty of Biology and Geology of “Babes-Bolyai” University- Cluj-Napoca.

  34. During 1 – 28 february 2009 you could admire some azalea and camellia varieties in the Greenhouses Complex.

  35. During December 22nd 2008 – January 15th 2009 – Exposition of traditional masks executed by the pupils from "Otilia Cazimir" School, I E, helped by school teacher Marilena Bisog.

  36. In Honorem – PhD. Prof. eng. Mandache Leocov at 80 years the anniversary event took place on Thursday, November 20th, 2008, in the Senate Hall of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iassy.

  37. The exhibition “Autumn Flowers” – The XXXIIth edition took place during October 26 – November 16 2008.

  38. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iassy, Faculty of Biology, Department of Biology, Vegetal Biology Laboratory and the Botanic Garden have organized the yearly Scientific Session "In situ" and "ex situ" plants diversity conservation in 23 – 25 may 2008 period.

  39. Sunday, 3 February 2008, 11 o'clock, is programmed the inauguration of the azaleas and camellias exhibition "The Flowers Magic" , opened in 3 – 24 February 2008 period.

  40. Winter in celebration colours – The exposition of the Painting Club “Friends of the colours”, "Nicolae Iorga" School, Buhalnita Township, Iasi District, coordinated by teacher Vasile Aioanei (800 prizes, 150 of them won at international competitions) was opened during 17.12.2007-15.01.2008.

  41. In 12 – 14 November 2007 period, in the "Anastasie Fatu" Botanic Garden has been organized a posters exhibition reflecting the Natura 2000 Network in Romania .

  42. Sunday, 21 october 2007, 11 o'clock, has been opened the XXXI edition of the "Autumn Flowers" exhibition, that could have been visited in 21 October – 11 November period.
  43. Exhibition theme:
  44. Edible, uneatable and toxic mushrooms exhibition, organized in 6 - 8 October 2007.

University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iasi

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