The research collective of the "Anastasie Fatu"
Botanic Garden collaborates or leads a series of research projects and
grants presenting national or European importance. Among the contracts
in execution we mention the following:
2008-2011: The refinement of the spontaneous
flora biodiversity of Romania, in order to increase the varieties
of ornamental plants;
Project coordinator: PhD. professor Catalin Tanase
2008-2011: Study of spontaneous flora
from the Romanian Carpathians in order to optimize the conservation
strategies of genetic and interspecific biodiversity.
Project coordinator: PhD. professor Catalin Tanase
2007-2010: Uncontaminated vegetal extracts
utilizable in phytotherapy acquired by unconventional technologies
(collaboration with the Biological Research Centre “Stejarul”
Project coordinator: PhD. researcher Elvira Gille, collaborator:
PhD. biologist Irina Stanescu
2007-2010: The inventory of the natural
grasslands presenting increased biodiversity from Romania in order
to substantiate the management measures for their conservation (NARDUS)
(collaboration with Delta Dunarii Research-Development
Institute, Tulcea)
Project director: PhD. engineer Jenica Hanganu, collaborator: PhD-student
biologist Constantin Mardari
2007-2009: Elaboration of unconventional
and un-pollutant solutions and culture techniques for ornamental
plants species in sustainable development context (collaboration
with the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Project director: PhD. professor Lucia Draghia, collaborator: PhD.
biologist Violeta Floria
2007-2008: Taxonomic and ecologic diversity
of the macromycetes from Giumalau Massif (Eastern Carpathians).
Project coordinator: PhD. biologist Ciprian Birsan
2006-2008: Monitoring and anthropic
impact studies on the flora, vegetation and natural habitats from
Stanisoarei Mountains - Eastern Carpathians;
Project coordinator: PhD. researcher Adrian Oprea
2006-2008: Mycoremediation of the polluted
soils from the areas considered critically from ecological perspective
Project director: PhD. professor Catalin Tanase, collaborators:
PhD. biologist Ana Cojocariu, PhD. biologist Ciprian Birsan
HortiBioTech – Laboratory of modern
biotechnologies for the conservation of some horticultural and spontaneous
species presenting special statute;
Project coordinator: PhD. professor Catalin Tanase
2006-2008: Ecological reconstruction
using mycoremediation methods for soils degraded by mining activities
(collaboration with Faculty of Biology, „Alexandru
Ioan Cuza” University Iasi);
Project director: PhD. professor Catalin Tanase, collaborators:
PhD. biologist Violeta Floria, PhD. researcher Adrian Oprea, PhD.
biologist Ana Cojocariu, biologist PhD-student Constantin Mardari,
PhD. biologist Ciprian Birsan
2006-2008: Study regarding the preservation
of the endemic species Andryala levitomentosa in natural habitats/vegetation
types from Pietrosul Bistritei Montain (collaboration with
Faculty of Biology, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University
Project director: PhD. professor Nicolae Stefan, collaborators:
PhD. researcher Adrian Oprea, biologist PhD-student Constantin Mardari
2006-2008: Integrated multifunctional
technology for national cultural patrimony conservation
Project director: PhD. researcher Emil Ghiocel Ioanid, collaborator:
PhD. biologist Ana Cojocariu
2005-2008: Centre of expertise for sustainable
development of ecosystems. Pilot project: Terrestrial and aquatic
peri-urban ecosystems from the catchment basin of Ciric River, north
from Iasi city (collaboration with Faculty of Biology,
„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iasi);
Project director: PhD. professor Nicolae Stefan, collaborators:
PhD. researcher Adrian Oprea, PhD. biologist Ciprian Birsan
1999-present: The Euro+Med Plantbase
– the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity;
Project coordinator: dr. Eckard von Raab-Straube, Euro+Med PlantBase
Secretariat, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem,
Germania, collaborator: PhD. researcher Adrian Oprea