International Relations
"A. Fatu" Botanic Garden presents a special
interest both in national and international levels by the collaborating
relations existing between us and other 600 similar institutions (botanic
gardens, arboretums, research institutes, gene banks etc.).
"The seeds catalogue" (Index seminum) offers each year 1.500 to 2.000 seeds samples of vascular species taxa for exchange (1000 taxa collected from the species cultivated in the Botanic Garden, 200 collected from the spontaneous taxa growing in the Botanic Garden and the rest collected from diverse regions of Romania).
At the solicitations of the collaborators, yearly are
gratuitously expedited approximately 3.500 seeds samples in 80 countries
from all the continents and approximately 2.500 – 3.500 seed samples
are received in this exchange process.
The herbarium of the "A. Fatu" Botanic Garden
includes over 45.000 herbarium sheets representing the "Flora Exsiccata
of Moldavia and Dobrudja". A part of the taxa included in this
exsiccata are expedited at the requests of other herbariums from our
country or abroad.
Some of the institutions collaborating with our Botanic
Garden are: