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Romanian Flora and Vegetation Section

Emplacement and area

Presenting approximately 21.76 ha area, "Romanian flora and vegetation" is the largest section of the "A. Fatu" Botanic Garden.


It is divided in six sub-sections:

  • Moldova: the principal representatives of forests and grasslands vegetal formations illustrate the vegetation characteristic to this province. Thus, the forests edified by Quercus pedunculiflora and Quercus pubescens (downy oak) presenting Paeonia peregrina (Romanian wild peony) in the herbaceous layer are characterizing the plains and low hillocks vegetation. The mixed forests (Quercetum robori - petraeae) edified by Quercus robur (pedunculate oak) and Quercus petraea (sessile oak) or Fagus sylvatica (Galio schultesii - Fagetum) are specific to Moldavian Plateau. The mixed mountain forests edified by Fagus sylvatica (beech) and Abies alba (silver fir) - Pulmonario rubrae - Fagetum, and pure mountain forests edified by Picea abies (spruce fir) - Hieracio transsilvanici - Piceetum, can be admired in the superior part of the versant. Some specimens of Pinus mugo (Swiss mountain pine) and Pinus cembra (arolla pine) suggesting the sub-alpine mountain level are cultivated in the northern part of the subsection. The grasslands combine fragments of spontaneous vegetation (existing before the garden organization) with cultivated fragments including bunches of Cerasus fruticosa (dwarf cherry), Amygdalus nana (dwarf almond) or Caragana frutex var. mollis (Russian peashrub). Reduced areas present some coastal saline terrains where Artemisia santonica, Limonium gmelinii etc. are growing.

  • Transylvania: illustrated by Quercus cerris (Turkey oak) and Quercus frainetto (Hungarian oak) forests; also the characteristic herbaceous flora and, at their border, some bunches of Syringa josikaea (Transylvanian lilac) are present. Other vegetation associations that can be admired are: the Querco robori - Carpinetum [mixed Quercus robur (pedunculate oak) and Carpinus betulus (common horn beam) forests] and Carpino - Fagetum [mixed Carpinus betulus (common horn beam) and Fagus sylvatica (European beech) forests] separated by a large clearing of Hieracio transsilvanici - Piceetum (pure Picea abies forests) and a Larix decidua ssp. carpatica group. An artificial peat bog allows the cultivation of some rare species: Salix rosmarinifolia (rosemary leaved willow), Angelica palustris etc.

  • Banat: is represented by a semi-natural elevation covered in calcareous rocks reproducing a miniature image of the Domogled Mountain, where characteristic species are cultivated: Pinus nigra ssp. banatica (Banat pine), Corylus colurna (Turkish hazelnut), Syringa vulgaris (lilac), Acer monspessulanum (Montpellier maple), various Sorbus species (Sorbus dacica, Sorbus borbasii), iris species (Iris variegata), Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis etc. Under the protective shield of the forest have been acclimated Ruscus aculeatus (butcher's broom), Ruscus hypoglossum, Ficus carica (fig tree) etc.

  • Muntenia: illustrated by the characteristic forests formations: deciduous forests edified by Quercus robur (pedunculate oak), Quercus petraea (sessile oak), Fagus sylvatica (European beech) and coniferous forests edified by Pinus sylvestris (scots pine), mixed Picea abies (spruce) and Betula pendula (silver birch) forests etc.

  • Oltenia: represented by mixed Quercus cerris (turkey oak) and Quercus frainetto (Hungarian oak) forests presenting Helleborus odorus and Tamus communis (black bryony) in the herbaceous layer. In the superior part of the versant, mixed groups of Syringa vulgaris (lilac), Carpinus orientalis (oriental hornbeam) and Fraxinus ornus (manna ash) presents other aspects of the vegetation from this province.

  • Dobrogea: includes elements characteristic to the aquatic and marshy vegetation from Danube Delta (schematic represented by the three branches of the Vineyards rivulet): Phragmites australis (reed) Typha angustifolia (narrowleaf cattail) and Typha latifolia (broadleaf cattail) groups. Specific to deltaic forests are the Populus alba (white poplar) groups, Fraxinus pallisiae (hairy ash) and Fraxinus angustifolia (narrow-leaved ash) groups where Periploca graeca (silk-vine) and Vitis sylvestris lianas are growing. Western pontic forests are represented by Quercus dalechampii (Balkan oak), Quercus polycarpa, Fraxinus ornus (manna ash) and Tilia tomentosa (silver lime) groups. Thorny shrubs formed by Paliurus spina-Christi (Christ's prickle), Jasminum fruticans (yellow jasmine), Berberis vulgaris (common barberry) and Crataegus monogyna (oneseed hawthorn) are giving a particular note to this landscape.

In the center of the Romanian Flora and Vegetation section there is an artificial lake having a 2,1 ha area where numerous hydrophilous and hygrophilous species are growing (Nuphar lutea). Also, this section benefits by 100 m2 of pre-cultivars where the botanic material is obtained from seeds. As a suggestive example can be presented especially the rare, endemic or endangered taxa: Astragalus roemeri, Dianthus spiculifolius, Allium obliquum, Cerastium transsilvanicum etc.


The main organization principle is the representation on the vertical of the main types and zones of vegetation from our country (favored by the natural relief) and, on the horizontal, the flora and vegetation of each Romanian historical province. Another organization principle is that of ex-situ conservation of a vegetal genetic fond as varied as possible from our country flora.

University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iasi

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