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The Ornamental Section

Emplacement and area

The Ornamental section is situated at the principal entrance in the "A. Fatu" Botanic Garden, round about the administrative pavilion and the greenhouses complex. It presents approximately 4 ha area in open air, plus 400 m² in the greenhouses complex and 72,60 m² of solariums destined both to the culture of the species requesting warmed spaces and the culture of certain exotic species (for cut flowers).


The ornamental section has as the main purpose to put at the visitors disposal a varied series of decorative plants species, both herbaceous and ligneous that, by their placement and grouping mode, by anthesis succession and other features, represents an permanent exhibition meant not only for recreation and rest but, in the same time, to instruction and education.


About 40 m from the main entrance in the Botanic Garden, the central alley intersects another alley that, on the right side, leads to the administrative pavilion.
Follow-up, there is the central parterre, continued also in the Biological section, decorated by common box (Buxus sempervirens) or common yew (Taxus baccata) hedges and arabesques and multi-coloured roses platbands.
In this central parterre and the limitrophe areas can be admired collections and groups of indigenous plants: ornamental graminaceous species, Yucca bushes and the Narcissus collection.
In the front of the administrative pavilion there is the "dr. Anastasie Fatu" square, in its middle being installed the bust of this institution founder, a creation of the plastic artist Eftimie Bârleanu. This space is cultivated with interesting species and varieties of annual plants, decorative by flowers, leafs or habitus.
In the surrounding area there is the magnolias collection (Magnolia kobus, Magnolia x soulangiana).
Starting with spring, in this perimeter flowers different varieties of snow drops, violets, colchicums, sweet violets, peonies, Californian poppy, pelargoniums, chrysanthemums or other species originating in China or Japan. In winter, both the coniferous species and some deciduous species decorative by fruits (Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Rhus typhina) can be admired.
On the right side of the entrance in the administrative pavilion there is a artificial rockery where decorative species are cultivated. On the right side of the alley separating the Ornamental and the Globe Flora sections are cultivated gladioli and peonies. In the greenhouses compartment exists a valuable collection of chrysanthemums varieties including 215 taxa.
In autumn, all these varieties are exhibited on the main alley, in front of the administrative pavilion and in the Exhibition Complex. There can be admired cascade, pyramid, tree or shrub forms of chrysanthemums varieties, most of them being exposed for the first time in Romania in "A. Fatu" Botanic Garden.


The Ornamental Section is focused on:

  1. conservation of the species in collections presenting scientific and aesthetic value;
  2. introduction, multiplication and preservation of the genetic resources of the ornamental species from the Romania's spontaneous flora;
  3. presentation of indigenous and exotic perennial species.

The subsection for the sightless persons

Emplacement and area

The subsection for the sightless persons has been organized in 1991 and it is located at the left part of the administrative pavilion, on the alley which guides the visitors to greenhouse nr. 12. The approximately 30 cultivated species presents explanatory labels both in Latin and Braille alphabets.


The subsection for the sightless persons is destined to the persons that are completely or partially blind.
The species presented here are characterized by a high content in essential oils, glycosides, resins, balsams, tannins, alkaloids, phytocides and vegetal insecticides. They are emanating strong odours when are touched, facilitating their identification.

University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iasi

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